Research Study - Phasic boosting of attentional capabilities with a Forbrain session

The purpose of this empirical study will be to replicate the effects of a single fifteen-minute sess...
Forbrain Team March 8, 2023

Research Study - Impact of Speech treatment and Auditory Feedback training with Forbrain for Children with Speech Sound Disorder

Five to eight percent of all children in the United States have a speech sound disorder (SSD). By Al...
Forbrain Team March 8, 2023

The effect of sound therapy with Forbrain on reading skills and auditory discrimination for students with reading difficulties

Research shows that most children with reading and learning complications suffer from problems in au...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

Clinical Study on Forbrain’s effect on the reading process

This clinical study's aim is to study Forbrain’s working mechanisms and quantify the possible improv...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

Clinical Study of Forbrain's effects on reading speed and comprehension ability

A study conducted at the Mediterrani de La Ampolla School (in Tarragona) shows Forbrain’s beneficial...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

Clinical Study of Speech Fluency, Memory and Attention with Forbrain

This clinical study focuses on testing the effectiveness of Forbrain in improving reading speed, wor...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

The potential use of Forbrain in stuttering: A single-case study

We present a single-case study on the potential clinical relevance of a new altered auditory feedbac...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

Speech-auditory feedback training on cognitive dysfunctions in stroke patients

This experiment was undertaken to observe the effect of speech-auditory feedback training by Forbrai...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

Nursing Effect of Forbrain Brain Cognitive Training on Cognitive Dysfunction among Patients with Stroke

This experiment was undertaken to determine the effect of Forbrain training on cognitive dysfunction...
Forbrain Team March 7, 2023

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