By Beatriz Aguilar Guerrero
Method: The study was carried out using experimental and control groups as well as pre-and post-use evaluations. The children used Forbrain daily for 10-minute sessions over 10 days.
During this time, the children read stories and texts adapted to their reading level. To quantify the results, the PROLEC-r battery was used in its simplified version. This made it possible to obtain remarkable results both in capability and execution in the following variables: number of letters, pseudo-words, grammatical structures, and reading comprehension.
Results: The statistical analysis of the resulting data showed excellent results. The students using Forbrain showed significant improvement in all tests when compared to the control group.
Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be concluded that Forbrain improves the cognitive capacities involved in the reading process owing to the modification and improvement of the plasticity of the brain structures involved in the reading process. This exercise with Forbrain allowed the students to improve their ability to read and to decode each sound, word, pseudo-word, and syntactic structure which is at the heart of the reading process. The students also improved all lexical, syntactic, and semantic processes fundamental to their learning abilities. The improvement experienced by the students, particularly in reading pseudo-words, constitutes an important development in the organization of graphene-phoneme correspondence or phonological decoding. This is fundamental in all reading processes and has been the main contributing element to the development and reorganization of phonologic awareness through the auditory system. The auditory system’s inherent plasticity allows for radical improvements in learning capabilities through the input of modified sound stimuli via bone conduction. The transmission of sound via bone conduction is critical because it exerts a corrective action on the Spt area facilitating the sound modification process in this area.
This allows for improvements to become noticeable even after using Forbrain for a few minutes. Our research’s objective was to study how the Forbrain functions and to test its effectiveness, which was corroborated by the results obtained.
Forbrain use is highly recommended to prevent and work with learning difficulties related to phonological awareness, decoding, and auditory discrimination in general and more specifically with the phono-articulatory loop, often encountered in ADHD reading challenges.