Can Forbrain help students unlock their brain’s hidden superpowers?

By using a scientifically proven device like Forbrain, students are able to reprogram their brain to...
Forbrain Team August 6, 2021

Forbrain helps with Dyslexia and Auditory Processing issues - Testimonial

"Forbrain is the perfect digital learning tool for high school students and university students. My ...
Forbrain Team January 12, 2021

Forbrain helps improve academics, singing and self-confidence - these stories are truly inspirational!

Forbrain's multifaceted usage and versatility are highlighted by the stories of Ann, Elcin, and Cris...
Forbrain Team December 18, 2020

5 tips for easy learning at home using Forbrain!

Forbrain is a great learning tool that students and children can use to complement their academic pu...
Forbrain Team June 1, 2020

Seven reasons why your ears are critical to preserving brain function

Listen up! When hearing loss affects more than hearing, you can use your voice to boost your brain. ...
Forbrain Team January 15, 2020

How to Stop Using Filler Words: The Best Strategies

What are Filler Words Filler words or interjections are words that people use as placeholders during...
Amy BOREL, ... January 15, 2020

10 Exercises to Improve Your Brain Stimulation

10 Exercises to Improve Your Brain Why Should You Exercise Your Brain? Given what we know about the ...
Amy BOREL, ... January 15, 2020

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