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Forbrain helps improve academics, singing and self-confidence - these stories are truly inspirational!

Forbrain's multifaceted usage and versatility are highlighted by the stories of Ann, Elcin, and Cristhian as they used the headphones to improve their academic learning, singing abilities, and overall self-confidence.


Ann, a medical student from Corpus Christi, TX wrote to us describing how she used Forbrain as a learning tool to aid with her studying. 

Ann RAtliff - Xmas2020She came across Forbrain through her mother who also guided her as she used the Forbrain daily. As a nursing student, she is using Forbrain to help with understanding, retention, and learning in her nursing program. Most of her activities with Forbrain include textbook reading for studying purposes.

She says, "I also wore my Forbrain during an online lecture with the microphone towards the speaker to see if that made any noticeable difference. I know it is recommended that I read aloud, but hearing the lecturer's voice through the Forbrain also benefited me, personally. While using Forbrain, I immediately feel my brain turn on, almost like a light switch that has been flipped. It’s not a miracle device, rather, it is a two-way street with Forbrain, which I like because I get as much out of it as I put into it. Nonetheless, I do feel a huge difference in concentration and endurance for college-level material while studying and trying to retain very specific material.

I enjoy using Forbrain and have thus far benefited from all the positive results that I have gotten from it (including improved test scores and overall averages!) and I think it is an excellent digital learning tool for univeristy students and high school students that I would highly recommend to any who are able to use it."


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Elcin Schipp used the Forbrain with her eldest son. 

She said, "I had been hearing about Forbrain but honestly never thought it would be what it claims to be, but I was wrong! We have been doing our therapy sessions with Forbrain and my son really likes it. The benefits I observed as a parent and a therapist are that his engagement with his lessons improved significantly and his speech is so much clearer as well. I can say that it’s also great for improving self-confidence.

My eldest is usually shy and self-conscious but while he is wearing Forbrain he sounds so much better and you can clearly see the difference in his self-esteem. I can highly recommend Forbrain to anyone, I mean not necessarily only with speech issues. I use it during my Zoom sessions too and I’m more aware of my own voice. I would say give it a try you will not regret it."



Cristhian came across Forbrain when Peru, where he lives, went into lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic outbreak. He was searching for solutions that could improve his singing voice from by staying at home. He sang in the opera and due to quarantine, he used the Forbrain headphones to practice his voice from home. He says, "I sing for the opera. Forbrain helped me train my brain, and the bone conduction technology helped me get a better singing voice. Now I sing better than I used to sing before I started to wear the Forbrain. Forbrain de-stresses and relaxes my voice and it's a great tool to help singers re-discover their voice if they have not sung in a long time."

He was quite pleased with the results of wearing Forbrain and singing. "I could feel the bones of the face and forehead better which the voice uses when singing. I had greater confidence while singing notes on a treble clef. I could also focus more when I am singing and reading simultaneously", he said.

He also added, "I also used Forbrain when I was meditating. I put the Forbrain microphone close to my nose to hear myself breathing in and out and it helped me improve my concentration levels and learned to focus better." 

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