How to Build Confidence with Voice Coaching (& How Forbrain Can Help)

Do you feel shy, self-conscious, or lacking confidence when it comes to speaking to an individual or...
Forbrain Team February 22, 2023

How is Forbrain complementary to other listening therapy programs?

Do you or your children have special needs or learning disabilities like ADD/ADHD or APD and are con...
Forbrain Team February 13, 2023

Screen Time and Its Impact on Mental Health and Brain Development- What Can Forbrain do?

Our 24/7 internet technologies mean that modern children, teenagers, and adults spend more time than...
Forbrain Team January 20, 2023

Five Case Studies of using Forbrain for Special Education Needs

Recently, 84 parents provided written reviews after 4 weeks of Forbrain use with their children. The...
Forbrain Team January 19, 2023

How can you use Forbrain with people with Pronunciation Difficulties?

Forbrain has been developed to help facilitate speech and assist with speech therapy at home - Speec...
Yashita Batra December 19, 2022

Forbrain at ASHA 2022

Forbrain attended the ASHA Convention from 17-19 November in New Orleans in USA. The ASHA Convention...
Forbrain Team December 16, 2022

Forbrain at BETT Asia 2022

Forbrain attended BETT Asia 2022 from 11-12th October 2022 at The Athenee Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand...
Forbrain Team December 16, 2022

10 Holiday Gift Ideas for High School and University Students

Finding the perfect gift for a high school or university student can be challenging. This is especia...
Forbrain Team December 12, 2022

Back to School Jitters - Tips for Parents of Children with Special Needs

When you’re a parent of a child with special needs, the return to classes after the holidays can fee...
Forbrain Team August 22, 2022

Five Back to School Strategies for Improving Attention and Memory for Better Productivity

When your kids go back to school, you’re likely to spend time finding them new clothes, stationery, ...
Forbrain Team August 15, 2022

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