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Five Back to School Strategies for Improving Attention and Memory for Better Productivity

When your kids go back to school, you’re likely to spend time finding them new clothes, stationery, a new lunchbox, and a new backpack so they’re fully prepared for the year ahead.

After several weeks away from the classroom, they may find it harder to concentrate, lack confidence, and, after a study-free break, have forgotten much of what they already learned.

If you want to ease their transition back to school, you should also consider how to make the learning experience easier, stress-free, and more beneficial by focusing on attention and memory.

Forbrain can help you do exactly this. Created by the owners of the Tomatis® Method, it uses the auditory feedback from the voice to help students improve their speech, attention, memory, fluency, and communication skills.

Back to School with ForbrainIt’s also easy to fit into your child’s day, is effective for those with learning challenges, and delivers results every single time.

Combined with certain memorization techniques, cognitive training and reading skill development, it helps your child exceed your expectations and enjoy a brighter, more successful future.

After investing in Forbrain, we suggest you consider the following.

Five effective ways to improve studying

1. Use memorization techniques

Whether learning brand new information or revising for exams, memorization techniques are a great study tool to use. These are especially good for visual learners as many require the learner to use creativity and imagination to bring key information to life for future recall.

This can help students of all ages to remember key facts or concepts almost effortlessly, store them in working memory and retain them long-term when the right approach is chosen.

When it comes to exams or tests, these techniques can make a huge difference, especially for struggling learners who don’t feel their needs are met with a more traditional approach to learning.

Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Active recall method
  • Mental/Mnemonic Peg Method
  • Chunking
  • Acronyms and acrostics
  • Mind Palaces/Method of Loci
  • Mind Maps
  • Storytelling
  • Rhyme

Want to learn more about memorization techniques? Read our articleEight Powerful Memorization Techniques for Exam Prep

2. Develop reading skills

Reading fluency and reading comprehension are key skills that can make the difference between academic success and failure.

Develop reading skills with ForbrainWhen we can read faster and understand what we’re reading with ease, learning becomes significantly quicker and easier, and we can focus more on the content instead of working hard to decode a text.

Effective strategies to improve reading skills include:

  • Making time for reading every single day
  • Bringing books and literature into the home
  • Providing support for those who struggle with reading

Using Forbrain’s pioneering headset to read and repeat textbooks, poems, and other texts aloud.

Discover more about supporting your child’s reading skills (or improve your own) by reading our article ‘Tips for improving reading skills in children and students with Forbrain’.

3. Use cognitive brain training

Brain training (also known as ‘cognitive training’) can help a person improve their attention, memory, problem-solving, and reasoning skills so they can think more effectively.

If your child takes part in brain training activities, they’ll find it easier to pay attention in class, think more critically, and analyze information so they can excel academically.

The Forbrain headset is one of the most effective ways you can do this as it’s simple, quick, and uses vocal feedback to process sensory information more effectively and improve their thinking power.

However, hands-on activities such as doing puzzles, playing cards, learning to play a musical instrument, reading, and learning a new language are also great ways to train your child’s cognitive ability.

4. Consider taking a brain boost supplement

If you want to give those developing brains a boost and help them work more effectively, you’ll need to provide them with the right nutrients. This includes omega 3, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants.

It’s always better to get these from your food, if possible as they are easier for the body to absorb and use.

Ensure you’re eating a well-balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, beans and pulses, and healthy fats, avoiding high-sugar, high-fat processed food as much as possible. Key foods to focus on include oily fish, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and blueberries.

However, if you’re eating a restricted diet, you’re a fussy eater or you prefer to ensure you don’t have any nutritional gaps, you can top up with a brain supplement that contains:

  • Fish oil (omega 3s)- Improves brain health and development
  • Vitamin E- Supports developing cells.
  • Ginkgo Biloba- Increases blood flow to the brain and improves memory.

Always speak to your doctor before taking a supplement and be aware that some may be unsuitable for kids.

5. Use voice exercises for training

Many people struggle when it comes to their communication skills, feeling too nervous, shy, or embarrassed to speak in front of others.

However, making presentations, taking part in discussions, and reading aloud are key parts of a student’s life and can influence their final grade in a subject.

The good news is that we can train our speaking skills so we feel more confident and able to share our knowledge with those around us by using the innovative Forbrain headset. Our pioneering technology provides real-time vocal feedback that helps guide the learner to speak more clearly and with more confidence.

Boost your children’s attention, memory, and academic achievement when they go back to school by investing in our cutting-edge Forbrain headset and then following the tips we’ve suggested in this article.

With memorization techniques, cognitive training, and a focus on diet, they’ll be better prepared for the demands that learning places on them, understand key facts, figures and concepts and better retain them for life-long benefits.

Give your kids the opportunities they deserve. Get Forbrain today.

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