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How can you use Forbrain with people with Pronunciation Difficulties?

Forbrain has been developed to help facilitate speech and assist with speech therapy at home - Speech is characterized by a complex chain of articulated sounds which are arranged in a very specific rhythmic pattern. 

This rhythm is based on the amplitude and the duration of the emitted sounds and on the emphasis given to each. Speech depends on our ability to consciously generate these sounds. Managing this requires a continual adjustment between the sounds we give out and what our ear perceives mainly via bone conduction. This is known as phonological awareness. 


When speech doesn’t come easily, a person with pronunciation difficulties can get aid with Forbrain, a high tech tool based on neuroscience. The help of technology is undeniable nowadays. Forbrain is an assistive technology developed with bone conduction, it transmits sound by vibration through contact with the bones situated in front of the ear. This type of transmission is 10 times faster than air transmission and of far better quality. It is the most natural way to hear oneself, making it a valuable tool for speech therapy activities. Bone conduction, therefore, enables the user to hear their voice in a very clear and natural way. Forbrain amplifies the fundamental sounds of spoken language and favors their perception via bone conduction. It facilitates the ability to speak and communicate needs and emotions more easily. 

Forbrain is a great assistant for a person’s speech and communication development. A person with pronunciation difficulties can use Forbrain as a technological aid in conjunction with other support strategies to help him/her improve speech patterns, articulation, phonological difficulties (problems with groups or patterns of sounds), pronunciation, modulation rate, rhythm and intensity of the voice, Forbrain helps with the ability to communicate thoughts to others and overall to get greater communication skills as well as greater attention to tasks and greater motor skills. 

Its dynamic filter creates variations in voice intensity and resonance, the effect of which is to continually surprise the brain, thus keeping it in a state of alertness. It helps strengthen automatic mechanisms of change-detection and adjustment, thus enhancing attention levels. Its filter highlights the rhythm of speech, and bone conduction facilitates its integration, thus enhancing the ability to retain sounds and/or information.

  • Improved motor skills

  • Modulate rate, rhythm and intensity of the voice

  • Improved ability to communicate thoughts to others

  • Improved attention to tasks

In the cases of hypo or hyper-sensitive hearing, you can use Forbrain and adjust the microphone volume so the use of the headset remains pleasant (each time your turn off the headset, it resets to a standard level).

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