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Inspirational Forbrain Stories of 2020 - What these families achieved truly warms our hearts!

Through the many obstacles that we were faced with this year, Forbrain proved to be a constant learning companion for many families. 

Parents were able to complement their child's learning at home by using the headphones regularly during online classes or assignments. We enumerate below two motivational stories that our community shared with us.


Mindy Priestley, a vocal coach, and teacher, has been using Forbrain as a professional. She has a 10-year-old daughter who often struggles with reading fluency (specifically her projection and fluidity of speech). 

Forbrain helps improve reading fluency and singing

Mindy's daughter immediately took a liking to Forbrain soon after it was introduced to her. She says, "The only corrections I make, is if I can’t hear her. Her brain and voice do the rest! Today we sat together, as a family, reading the Bible. My daughter read loud enough for everyone to hear. She is still working on a smooth presentation of words, but her confidence in verbal reading has grown. This is a gift; this is a skill. Forbrain is the gift to give her the skill of reading fluency."

She also introduced the Forbrain to her students in the studio. She says, "While researching, the Tomatis method of listening, I discovered the Forbrain. As a vocal coach/teacher, I love microphones. But it’s so much more than a microphone! Forbrain really helps to improve a singer's singing voice." After sharing the Forbrain in the studio, these are some of her observations made during the first week itself -

1. The child who used to sing off pitch... sang a whole chorus on pitch!

2. A child who couldn’t sit still... attended to his music for twenty minutes. 

3. An adult who had perfect pitch... corrected her midrange harmonics, to make it more pleasant.

4. A child who had difficulties projecting... filled the studio with her voice.

5. A teenager who still struggled with speech... made quick corrections.

6. A child learning a new song... after singing it twice said, “this is weird. I didn't know this song before but and now I have it memorized!

forbrain discount


Stacey Small had come across Forbrain in an online chat forum in Australia for Occupational Therapists. Her child has been using Forbrain for more than six weeks and she has seen some marked results in her. She says, "My little girl loves using her Forbrain in music therapy, with her speech therapist and on the trampoline and to dance classes. She averages around one hour a day in four, fifteen-minute time slots. She would wear it longer if l would let her. Her concentration has improved and her teachers and the therapist have all noticed the difference. She was also awarded an award at school for the most improved student!"

Forbrain helps with improving speech

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