Recommended Forbrain posture for adults:
- Feet: Place your feet flat on the floor at the width of your hips. As if rooted to the ground!
- Back: Sit up straight without over-stooping or arching your lower back. As if you had the tail of a kangaroo and were sitting on it!
- Stomach: Breathe calmly using your diaphragm, letting your stomach move in and out gently. Like the back-and-forth motion of waves in the sea!
- Lips: Round your lips and extend forward without pulling on your neck. As if you wanted to touch the microphone with your lips.
- Head: Your head rests naturally and relaxed on the top of your spine. As if you were suspended by a puppet wire.
Recommended Forbrain posture for children:
- A child may imagine they are a tree: the feet are roots going into the ground, the back is the trunk that rises up straight, and the head is the foliage.
- Mime the rain sprinkling down to make the child grow, grow, grow...